February 7, 2010

ATWA and Charles Manson - A Statement of Witness

Charles Manson envisioned the word ATWA, meaning Air, Trees, Water, and Animals, to represent our life support system on the planet Earth. It also means All the Way Alive.

There is only ONE. One Air, one Water, one God. ATWA is God, for without air, without water, there is no you, no me, no life on Earth to have or hold a god.

The mass media has only lied and covered up the truth, hiding the efforts of many people to show that Charles Manson is order and life, not confusion and death.

Manson has served All Life for over 60 years from his prison cell grave. Brother to all men, Charles stands in honor and truth and brings this world to now, with the order and solutions to redeem our survival on earth.


Personally knowing Charles Manson, it upsets me on some level to see the lies they say about him on TV. They have NO idea what or who they’re talking about!

The perfect example of a “Catch 22” is Charles Manson speaking to the media. No matter WHAT he says, it has already been deemed insane. How can you explain anything when people have already made up their minds that you’re crazy?! Think about it, you know that whatever is on TV is not in the peoples’ best interests. You know they don’t have a clue about anything. If you don’t get it by now, it doesn’t even matter.

We humans are living in an artificial world of concrete and plastic. There are a lot of TV heads that are too ignorant to recognize God and Truth. Their god is money, twisted sex perversions, and ego- a narrow minded lust for comfort.

If you put a plastic bag over your head, you would learn real quick what God is. GOD is AIR. That’s number one. ATWA= AIR-TREES-WATER-ANIMALS: Your survival on planet Earth. Anything polluting our air and water is going against Gods’ Will, which is Life. It’s as simple as that, and it’s what Charles Manson has been telling the world for over 40 years.

Life on this planet will survive, with or without humans. You’d best save yourselves a lot of horror and suffering, and put Manson in his rightful place of command. The human world is falling apart, pulling the rest of the earth down with it. The answer to the problem is in a cell in Corcoran State Prison. It is time to wise up and listen to the wise man, if you want to survive.

Star 2009

He saved my life... he never lied to me. I've watched as one by one the things he told me have come to pass, although at the time they made little sense to me. Now is the time to put energy back into the Earth. We've already taken too much out. Think about it... we cannot survive without the Earth. I'm pretty sure the Earth would survive without our input, that is, if we leave enough of it to survive. The government, the courts, the churches, the schools, the newspapers, the T.V., they all lie to us every day. Money is a cheap trick and no trade for life. We need to turn things around NOW. ATWA - That has always been his thought, the direction he has always pointed. He never deserved what he got. Isn’t that the way of things... you give love and tell the truth, they hunt you down, name you the devil, and try to take away your life.

Silver 2009

'I decided to go into the mountains to talk to God, to apologize for 1900 years of this mess. That's when they got me and brought me here.''

Charles Manson, 1970

When Charles Manson was arrested with a band of young survivalists in Death Valley in 1969, it wasn't murder for which they were apprehended, but for the destruction of earth-moving equipment being used to destroy waterholes, build roads and tear up land. Asked if he had anything to say to the world, Manson replied, ''Get back to the Horse". Forty years later, Manson has remained steadfast in his message of ecological balance and the need for purification and harmony on Earth.

From the smog covered corner beneath the Hall of Justice in the 1970’s, on their knees Manson's allies spoke for the Earth, they fought for the Earth and they lived ON THE EARTH. The media covered it up and are continuing to cover it up to this day. It was not brainwashing that moved his band, it was love, it was music, it was loyalty to the war against pollution, lies and confusion.

ATWA was created from the bottom, like a seed that starts under the ground. Charles Manson and the Family of Infinite Soul gave their lives to stop the world from being destroyed. They gave all to bring ATWA into reality, to bring this world to one thought.

Now, we must transcend the media brainwash, turn and face our children and our dying world. Become one heart, one mind, and work to redeem the Air, the Trees, the Water, and the Animals, which includes us. Manson is your reflection, if you wish to understand him you will need to know yourself first and be willing to face yourself and the way you live your life.

We are all breathing the same air. Whoever sins against our air by polluting it or destroying the green, the trees that give us our air, is a criminal and must face a World Court that has no mercy for transgressors. Everyone was and has been warned. You are either working for ATWA, or you will simply cease to exist.

Under Mansons’ authority there will be no movies, no sports or music for entertainment; only work. One world, working to clean and support the air and water and protect the trees and animals. Prisons will be farms producing their own food. All schools, all jobs, must and will serve life’s survival or they too will fade away. Our money will function only in service to the people and ATWA, not as a tool for greed, corruption or control.

This message is urgent. There is no time for lies, competition or personal games of ego and ambition. We must give Charles Manson the authority, the authority to bring order to our world, one world in service to Life.

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